How to place an order?

To add items to the shopping basket simply click on the ‘Add to Cart’ button at the bottom of each product.
Then after you have finished shopping click on ‘View Cart’ and all of your items will be displayed here.

How to view items in your shopping cart?

When you add items to your order, click on the ‘Checkout’ button displayed at the top of each page to see all the items you have added.
Please check that the correct quantity you require is displayed and then click on ‘Proceed to Checkout’ to process your order.

Processing of your order and payment by credit card

Once you have been through checkout and entered your payment details, please wait for a short period of time while your details are verified; this shouldn’t be longer than a minute or two. When your payment has been accepted, you will see a confirmation screen thanking you for your order and you will also receive a confirmation email.

Order confirmation email

Once your order has been processed, you will automatically be sent an email confirming details of the products you ordered, the value and your details together with the delivery address.

Payment Security

The checkout and payment pages of our site are fully secure – for full details of this, click the rapid logo on the payment pages, or see below for more security information. Payment will appear on your bank statement as LavaDent.

Payments made on account will be checked by our customer service team before goods are dispatched.

Order queries

If you have a query regarding your order, please contact our Customer Service Team. However please do ensure that you have waited 2 working days for delivery of your item before contacting us.

We will endeavor to resolve your query as promptly as possible. You will be contacted within two working days, usually one.

Return policy

Please visit our Returns page for full details on our policies.

Can I order from outside the UK?

LavaDent Supplies’ distribution network only extends to mainland UK (England, Wales, Scotland excluding Northern Ireland).

What are my payment options?

Payment on account is available as soon as your registration has been approved.

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