Add to cart Composite Finishing Kit CA0306 £18.95 Composite Finishing Kit CA or FG Shank for removing subgingival flash and finishing composite/microfill fillings. Each kit contains Dura-Green (3 each CN1 & FL2) and Dura-White (3 each CN1 & FL2).
Add to cart Composite Polishing Kit (CA0310) £18.95 Polishing kit for polishing occlusal and lingual surfaces of composites/microfill restorations. Each kit contains 2 Dura-Green (CN1 & FL2), 4 Dura-White Stones (CN1 & FL2), 4 CompoSite Points and 3 CompoSite Fine Points.
Add to cart Enamel Adjustment Kit (CA0307) £18.95 The Enamel Adjustment Kit is designed for intra-oral adjustments of natural dentition or porcelain and super polishing the adjusted surfaces. Each kit contains 3 Dura White Stones and 9 Ceramiste Points.
Add to cart Hiluster Plus Polishing System (Kit) £56.75 Hiluster PLUS Polishing System takes advantage of the latest fine particle abrasive technology that is optimized for today’s sophisticated composite restorations. Each kit contains 3 GlossPlus flames, 3 GlossPlus minipoints, 3 GlossPlus cups, GlossPlus discs; 2 HilusterPLUS Dia polisher frames, 2 Hiluster PLUS Dia polisher Minipoints, 2 HilusterPLUS Dia polisher cups and HilusterPLUS Dia polisher discs.
Add to cart Porcelain Adjustment Kit (HP301) £18.95 The Porcelain Adjustment Kit is designed for chairside adjustment of porcelain restorations and polishing adjusted surfaces. Each kit contains 3 Dura-White Stones for adjusting, 9 Ceramiste Points in 3 Grit Ranges from finishing to polishing.
Add to cart Super-Snap Mandrels CA (0439) £19.95 0439 – CA Mandrels for Super-Snap Rainbow Technique. Each box contains 6 pieces
Add to cart Super-Snap Mandrels FG (0438) £19.95 0438 – FG Mandrels for Super-Snap Rainbow Technique. Each box contains 6 pieces
Select options Super-Snap Rainbow Technique C/A Disc Refills £12.95 Disc Refils – Super-Snap is designed for easy, fast and safe contouring, finishing and polishing of all microfilled and hybrid composites. Each refill disc pack contains 50 pieces.
Add to cart Super-Snap Rainbow Technique C/A Kit (0500) £52.95 0500 – Super-Snap is designed for easy, fast and safe contouring, finishing and polishing of all microfilled and hybrid composites. Each kit contains 100 Standard Discs, 80 Mini Discs, 40 Polystrips, 2 Dura-White Stones (Shapes CN1 & FL2), Composite Fine Midi-Point and 2 CA Mandrels.
Add to cart Super-Snap Rainbow Technique Mini CA Kit (0505) £18.95 0505 – Super-Snap is designed for easy, fast and safe contouring, finishing and polishing of all microfilled and hybrid composites. Each mini kit contains 48 discs (32 standard and 16 mini), 1 CompoSite Fine midi point, 1 CA mandrel.